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Organizational culture and its effects on organizational performance; evidence from the Edirisinghe Trust Investment (Pvt) Ltd

Culture of an organization can be identified as the embodiment of its joint systems, beliefs, norms, ideologies, myths and rituals. Furthermore, those factors can motivate employees to become valuable sources of efficiency and effectiveness (Sudarsanam, 2010). Generally, organizational leadership is directly associated with the organizational culture and due to same, it is very difficult to change it even under good leadership (Denison, 1990). According to Kotter and Heskett (1992), corporate culture is included with a significant positive impact on the organizational long-term economic performance while highlighting all the key managerial constituencies such as customers, stockholders, and employees and leadership. Edirisinghe Trust Investment (Pvt) Ltd (ETI) was a leading and strong finance companies registered under the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka under the Finance Companies Act No. 78 of 1988, providing services in the areas of Fixed Deposits, Pawning, Gol...
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Employee engagement at consumer affair authority in Sri Lanka

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A review about New forms of employment provided by Audit firms in Sri Lanka

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Productivity improvement in Milco (Pvt) Ltd using Kaizen concept

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