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Employee engagement at consumer affair authority in Sri Lanka

Employee Engagement can be explained as employees’ ability to use varying degrees of their selves physically, cognitively and emotionally in work role performances (Kahn,1990). Armstong (2017) were expressed job challenge, an opportunity for development, autonomy, variety, fit between the job and organization and high customer satisfaction as factors which may influence levels of employee engagement. However, quality of the employee engagement depends on the elements such as level of overall wellbeing, meaningful of the work, leverage employee strengths, strong relationships with team members both on a personal and professional level and genuine recognized for their efforts (Hogg,2013). 

Consumer Affairs Authority (CAA) is a government organization in Sri Lanka and it has been established under the CAA Act No.09 of 2003. Major activities of the CAA can be mentioned as ensuring of consumer rights through regulation of trade, providing redress to consumers affected by unfair trade practices, consumer empowerment through education and awareness as well as the protection of traders and manufactures against anti-competitive trade practices and promotion of healthy competition. However, there are no reductions in fines imposed in relation to the trade mafia, violating of food act as well as the consumer protection acts according to the annual statistics (   

When considering about the employees of the CAA, investigation officers who were recruited based on the Economic, Commerce or Marketing degree are played major role to full fill the company goals by doing activities such as conducting of raids, investigation of market surveillance, handling of complaints, prosecution of errant traders and conducting of awareness programme for identified target group. According to the skilled and education quantification, investigation officers have not proper knowledge about the chemicals, illegal activities have done by the food industry and customers’ health and they play within the limited framework without innovation. Under that condition, errant traders have the freedom to do anything due to meaningless work and it will lead to the lower achievement of CAA. Therefore, recruitment qualification also affects the quality of employee engagement and it is highlighted in several government bodies in Sri Lanka. 


Armstong,M and Taylor,S.(2017), Armstong’s Handbook of Human Resource Management Practices. Available from: <file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/Armstrongs%20Handbook%20of%20Human%20Resource%20Management%20Practice_1.pdf.>[10 May 2019].

Consumer Affair Authority, Available from:<>[10 May 2019].

Hogg,B.(2013), Core Elements of Employee Engagement. Available from:
<>[10 May 2019].

Khan, A.W. (1990) ‘Psychological Conditions of Personal Engagement and Disengagement at Work’, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 33, No.4, Pp. 692-724.


  1. Well written article . Governments organisations have plenty of room for hr improvement . From recruitment to employees engagement.

  2. There is a demand for the Jobs in Government organizations as far as private sectors Jobs are concerned in Sri Lanka. It is clear that many Vacancies are filled with Political supports.Then there is a problem with the qualifications and the quality of the people recruited. As you mentioned The Employee engagement will depend on The qualifications, Quality and attitudes of the recruited people.


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