Kaizen concept is a “continuous improvement” process which is attending with all participants of the company with the process and that support to the Toyota Production System (TPS) as a philosophy (Imai 2012). Furthermore, that concept is based on a series of questions and initiatives that encourage the identification, analysis and solution of problems, called the Scientific Thinking Mechanism (STM) (Shingo 2010) and it can be used for any type of company. Milco (Pvt) Ltd has achieved significant productivity and quality improvement using kaizen concept (Sunday Observer 18 March 2018,p.18 ). This institution was established in 1956 under the purview of the Ministry of Agriculture and now it has four milk factory located at Colombo, Ambewela, Digana and Polonnaruwa. This industry has been steadily gaining with the national goal of milk self-sufficiency by 2020. Over the year 2015, raw milk collection was increased from 61.4 million litres to 64.5 million litres wh...
Stimulation of Human Resources theory in Practice while evaluating the scenarios in the contemporary world. Thus, the blog highlights the importance for improvement in Human Resources theory in a digitally enhanced world while inspiring leaders to critically argue and communicate in a virtual ambiance.